Personal Favorites

Sometimes, when you read a piece you’ve just written, you feel a certain high – from disbelief that you could have written this.

Sometimes, when you read a piece you had written quite a while ago, you feel an involuntary smile forming on your face – from the memory of why you wrote it and what you were thinking when you wrote it.

Those pieces are your favorites. And this list is ever-changing – depending on your mood, your changing tastes, your emotional & intellectual growth.

For me, that list currently is :


Bits and Pieces

My Many Lovers

Word Muse #7 – Far Off

Word Muse #3 – சாய்ந்து

Balls of Magic

The Closet

Why do you want me to settle down?

Make me Laugh


One Slap

Hey Mister, Why do you like me Naive?

Wanna agree, oppose, or just say 'whatever'?